Jennifer Gere, CEO of RxBioLabs releases the first ever “spray on your body” bed bug repellent called CimexiShield
My name is Jennifer Gere, I’m the CEO of RxBioLabs in Freehold, NJ and our company released the first ever “spray on your body” bed bug repellent called CimexiShield after many years in the making. My husband operates BedBug Chasers also based in NJ of which both ideas started after a trip to the Florida years ago when at 3:30 am the people across the hall started screaming, so the pursuit of an effective bed bug repellent has been something we’ve been after for years!
You can read our press releases but if I may tell you a little about CimexiShield myself.
First you apply it to your skin and if you’ve done bed bug research you know except for Heat there is no way to get rid of all the bed bug stages etc. with one application of any chemical on the market today, even DDT can’t do it. That leaves people having to sleep where the bed bugs still are for up to several weeks until they are all gone / dead. During that time you are the bait to lure them through the chemical barrier and you will still get bitten – CimexiShield will stop the new bites.
As for existing bed bug Travel sprays any of the sprays you buy for luggage or furniture that say they will kill the bugs if they are a true pesticide have an exposure time for it to be effective of 30 minutes plus. (Natural products don’t instantly kill bed bugs either, the videos mostly are of bed bugs being covered with a liquid spray until they drown). That means the bug has to stay on the chemical for 30 minutes which is an eternity (bed bugs hunt all night) and for a bed bug to reach that level it could take weeks! When you travel, spraying a product on your luggage that will “kill bed bugs” before they come home with you – just is not real life. Instead keep your luggage off the ground, keep soiled clothing in closed plastic bags hung in the closet and you might not bring bed bugs home that wander around the closets.
Where does CimexiShield fit into a travel scenario? Not bringing bed bugs home does not mean they are not in the room with you and will not bite you – CimexiShield as a “spray on your body” bed bug repellent prevents those bed bug bites and keeps bed bugs away so they are not trapped in the clothing you’re wearing. Bed bugs do not live on you, but clothing makes a great trap and if they are not wanting to feed on you that lessens the chances of bringing them home.
My final pitch is simply you found out you have bed bugs; you have bed bug bites that can last for days. What do I do spray on a repellent or a spray to relieve the bites? Both. So, we added a couple ingredients that if you had bed bug bites CimexiShield can help sooth them, obviously if you’ve scratched them to the point of bleeding you’ll need some other medications to prevent infection but CimexiShield can help the red, swelling areas.
CimexiShield is a “spray on your body” bed bug repellent it is not an end all, it won’t kill bed bugs (unless you drown them in it which you can do with just water in a spray bottle), it will prevent new bites and add some relief to old bites.
If you should write a bed bug / bed bug repellent / travel article, please keep us in mind maybe we can be a source for you.
If you want to come and put your hand into a tank with bed bugs, we can arrange that as well LOL.
Thank you,
Jennifer Gere